Englisch: treatise, paper, essay, disquisition, screed, critique
Die Abhandlung bezeichnet eine wissenschaftliche Darlegung eines Gegenstandes. Der Inhalt der Abhandlung hat die Erklärung des Themas zum Ziel.
---> see also:
"paper" is in the NACE Code "21"
Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products
"paper" is in the ISIC Code "21"
Manufacture of paper and paper products
"paper" is in the NAICS Code "424920"
(Book, Periodical, and Newspaper Merchant Wholesalers, Newspapers merchant wholesalers)
"paper" is in the CPC Code "2638"
Yarn of vegetable textile fibres other than cotton (including flax, jute, coir and true hemp); paper yarn
"paper" is in the HS Code "3809.92"
- -- Of a kind used in the paper or like industries
"paper" is in the UNSPSC Code "14111500"
Printing and writing paper
"paper" is in the NACE Code "21.1"
Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard
"paper" is in the ISIC Code "210"
Manufacture of paper and paper products
"paper" is in the NACE Code "21.12"
Manufacture of paper and paperboard
"paper" is in the ISIC Code "2101"
Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard
"paper" is in the NACE Code "21.2"
Manufacture of articles of paper and paperboard
"paper" is in the ISIC Code "2102"
Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboard
"paper" is in the NACE Code "21.21"
Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboard
"paper" is in the ISIC Code "2109"
Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard
"paper" is in the NACE Code "21.23"
Manufacture of paper stationery
"paper" is in the ISIC Code "21"
Manufacture of paper and paper products
"paper" is in the NACE Code "21.24"
Manufacture of wallpaper
"paper" is in the ISIC Code "21"
Manufacture of paper and paper products
"paper" is in the NACE Code "21.25"
Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard n.e.c.
"paper" is in the ISIC Code "21"
Manufacture of paper and paper products
"paper" is in the NACE Code "29.55"
Manufacture of machinery for paper and paperboard production
"paper" is in the ISIC Code "21"
Manufacture of paper and paper products
"paper" is in the NACE Code "51.44"
Wholesale of china and glassware, wallpaper and cleaning materials
"paper" is in the ISIC Code "21"
Manufacture of paper and paper products
"paper" is in the NACE Code "DE"
Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products; publishing and printing
"paper" is in the ISIC Code "21"
Manufacture of paper and paper products
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